Ragnarok Online 2 Healing Priest

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guide to Healing Priest by Fuyuko


I started my Ragnarok Online 2 adventure with an Acolyte hoping to eventually build a priest. Unfortunately I had no idea what I was doing at first and managed to get to level 8 or so then realized that I was doing it wrong only to delete my character and remake it over again. From what I’ve noticed so far the importance of leveling any DPS skills over one point is useless because in a dungeon or raid group you will not be using them at all and you will be focus healing and buffing your group. When a player in your group dies it’s important to bless them right away because they will not be staying alive for long without buffs. Healing as a priest from what I’ve read is easier for healing a single target like a tank.

The type of build I’m using is more of a hybrid healing build since currently I’m leveling. I’m mostly investing points into INT but in the future I’ll most likely be going with something similar to 40 INT 40 AGI and the rest into VIT. I put an example of my build in the table below. I find I can gather a group of monsters using Oratio and then just AOE them to death. It makes questing much easier then Holy Light spamming. Of course if you wanted more points to spend towards your support skill tree you could completely skip all the other DPS skills on the DPS tree.

The skill Aqua Benedicta will save you a fortune on potions in the future of course I still took Alchemy as a job because I wanted to be able to make the buff potions for myself. Aspersio is one of the most valuable skills to a priest because it allows them to use resurrection with no cool down time. It takes around 3 seconds to cast resurrection and is a valuable tool in a raid where 3 seconds wasted can mean a wipe for your group.

Highness heal can critical up to 4k+ and with meditatio at 1 you’ll be able to heal around 2k+ every 2 seconds it also effects sanctuary and raises the hp of your party members temporary. Meditatio’s translation is really poor in the English and does not really explain properly of what it does. But meditatio doesn’t effect the percentage of a critical hit. It effects the value of the heal amount so for example if your heal was a critical of 3000 damage it would raise it to 3500 or 4000 instead. And the combination of having aspersio a healing priest would not need to raise the skill. Only a DPS priest would see value in increasing meditatio.  Angelus is pretty useless because bosses will 2-3 hit a party member regardless of the amount of your current defense especially with the amount of defense it gives. If the skill however was 100% instead might allow someone to last longer but the value of what angelus gives is terrible. Archangel has a really awesome ability but as a healing priest you would not want to waste the points in this skill even as a DPS priest you would be forced to give up resurrect and bless and the investment in other skills would be much more valuable to you. Suffragium is a very useful skill but for my build since I invested in the extra DPS skills I did not have enough points to make use of the skill. Perhaps at max level I’ll respect and drop the other DPS skills to pick up that one but if your making a pure build you can drop the extra DPS skills and pick it up right from the start. Sanctuary is useful for survival and should not be used for healing your party using aspersio is a must and should always be paired together. Highness Heal causes a HOT(Healing Over Time) besides just healing your party members when used with aspersio but this skill can cause a lot of threat you would want to avoid using this skill at the start of a battle to avoid getting killed by the boss until the tank has built up enough threat. Assumptio will keep whoever you decide to give it to alive whether you decide to give it to yourself or another healer in the group.

The other valuable professions to go with as a priest is either blacksmithing, or artisan. Avoid using Chef because it has the lowest value to a priest. That’s about it for a healing priest. Once I learn the class more I’ll make another guide with DPS priest and explain what you’ll be aiming for in terms of skills and how they are used. 

Tera Solo Leveling Guide: 1 to 60 With Falario Fa!

Awesome guide for new players~

My Sword Is Unbelievably Dull

This is Falario Fa, my main character on Tera (Dragonfall server, PVE), an Elin Slayer who’s just reached sixty! I played most of the game solo and had a hard time leveling at certain points, as well as finding tips on how to do so. Here I will attempt to make the most in-depth guide to solo leveling in Tera available. I will tell you where I went, how I got stuck, how to get around dungeons, and at what points doing so will mean grinding.

Soloing all the way through Tera means maintaining a balance. If you skip a dungeon, there will be a lot of experience that you’ll need to fill in, not just from the dungeon itself, but from the story quests that you’ll miss out on by skipping them. Story quests provide by far the most experience out of any quests in Tera, but they also…

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TERA ONLINE (EU) Endgame Gear Summary

Endgame Gear Summary- by Sapphidia

Hey all – just replied to a thread in the archer forum about endgame gear, but figured as it’s something that may be of interest to a lot of newer players who might be dinging 60 soon, I figured I may as well cut and paste the response here:

You ding 60, and via questing in the argon zones you’ll start with a free quest reward set of level 59 gold Tier12 items (often referred to as the Argon Resistance set). It’s nothing special, and you’ll want to replace them as soon as possible. You can get better Tier12 items in the easiest level 60 dungeons (fane of kaprima + balders temple Normal modes, Lab of Terror/Ebon Tower Hardmodes). However, nowadays most players skip straight to Tier 13 as it’s so cheap on the broker.7824086_orig9104751_orig

Here’s the PvE gear progression:

Tier 13 dungeon set – drops from Argon Corpus Normal (discord set), or FoK + BT hardmodes. Super cheap on the broker – you can buy a full Tier 13 set and enchant it to +9 easily with the money you get from levelling/questing to 60. Full T13 +9 is good enough for all PvE content bar Manaya’s Core Hardmode, though obviously T14 will be better. Although a +9 weapon is vital, you can save a lot of money on Alkahest by just enchanting the three T13 armor parts to +6, as long as you intend to upgrade them swiftly into T14.

F2P EDIT – since F2P, the prices on Fodder for T13 have shot up on the AHs. You may want to investigate the costs before buying until the economies stabilise or you wont be able to enchant to past +6 without huge cost.

Tier 13 Dreamkeeper craftables – rarely made nowadays, you can craft a Tier 13 set that can be masterworked via materials that drop in Balders Temple and Fane of Kaprima hardmodes. When masterworked they’re much better than the Tier 13 discord stuff, but they’re still rather expensive as people don’t run those dungeons much now so the materials are still costly due to rarity. It’s generally better to just skip these and get the better Tier 14 nowadays unless you find a great broker deal.

Tier 14 Agnitor set – drops from Nexus Traverse raid instances when nexuses happen. Gloves/Boots/Chest are very easy to get in PuGs. The weapon however needs several months of grinding nexuses for points (depending on how many nexuses per week you can make – maybe 5-6 weeks if you can make most of them).

F2P EDIT – The Agnitor set is now about 1/4 of the price, so you’ll be able to grind an agnitor weapon reasonably easily now, maybe 2-3 weeks depending on reputation if you make all nexuses. They can also be bought and sold on the Trade Broker. It’s currently going for similar prices to the Abyss Set, so doesn’t really affect the buying part.

Tier 14 Abyss set – basically the same quality as the Agnitor set. Some classes prefer Agnitor chest/weapons, some prefer the stats on abyss, but pretty much the same as each other. Drops from Argon Corpus Hard Mode, which you’ll need good gear (and coordination) to PuG, but you can buy Abyss parts on the broker. They’re fairly expensive for a new 60.

Tier 14 Queen’s Wrath set – drops from Manaya’s Core Normal mode. Puggable if you have good gear and know what you’re doing. Identical stats to the Abyss set, but has a much rarer look to it and can be used as template. Queen’s Wrath gear thus tends to be about twice as expensive on the broker as Abyss gear. You’re paying for looks/style.

Tier 14 Jax/Theory Rep Gear – F2P Patch brought two new factions in Cutthroat Harbor and Allemantheia which supply a T14 Chest and T14 Weapon with about a week of doing dailies. The T14 weapon is better than +9 T13 and doesnt need to be enchanted, so is a great stopgap. Any enchantable T14 weapon will start beating it at about +7 or over. The chest is very strong. Better than T13 +9, about on par with T14 +6 for power, but has Class Damage boosts. A lot of DPS classes will want to use these chests over Abyss/Agnitor. Regent set is better. Tanks/Healers might still prefer Abyss/Agnitor though.

Abyss weapon from broker and agnitor boots/gloves from nexus and the Jax/Theory T14 chest is probably the cheapest/easiest way to a get a good set of full Tier 14 depending on luck.

Tier 14 Regent Set – now we’re talking. This only drops from Manaya’s Core Hardmode. You wont get this boss down without really nice gear and probably a full static group – very few players in EU have downed her so far. The Weapons and Chests blow other T14 out of the water for PvE (especially chests, as they have unique damage-boosts for class skills). You can buy regent stuff off the broker but it’s incredibly expensive, and PvE-only.

Tier 14 Visionmaker set – this set is the best set in Tera for both PvP AND PvE. It simply has the best stats on all parts. It’s crafted… but the parts you need to make it drop from Manaya’s Core Hardmode, are bind on pickup so you need to be there for the kill, and can take months of farming to amass the materials. Unless you’re in a static group that farms MC Hardmode you wont be able to get any parts of Visionmaker.6401560_orig


And PVP Gear Progression:

Victor’s Set (T13 non-enchantable) – the default PvP set. It drops sometimes off any boss in Argon Corpus Normal Mode, so if you want to go into battlegrounds in pvp gear, you might want to farm ACNM a little first, or your first few battlegrouds will be… not fun. You can buy a full victors set for pvp credits though from doing battlegrounds, and they’re very very cheap. An afternoon of solid battlegrounds in rubbish T12/T13 pve gear will probably get you enough poitns to buy a full victors. It’s not too bad. It’s certainly better than pve gear.

F2P EDIT – Victors set is now even cheaper to buy with points, and can be bought and traded on the Trade Broker (though still only drops in Argon Corpus Normal). It only takes a few BGs now to get a full set, or you can just buy a set with gold. Very easy to obtain.

Fraywind set (Tier 13 enchantable) – Fraywind is a smallish but noticeable upgrade over Victor’s. You can -occasionally- get lucky drops of fraywind armor in the Nexus, but it’s rare. Mostly you’ll be grinding a full set of Fraywind gear and +9ing it as your first target in grinding battlegrounds – you buy it for pvp credits, and it’s about 10 times as expensive as the victor’s set.

Conjunct set (Tier 14 masterworkable) – Conjunct is currently the best PvP-specific set, though Visionmaker will beat it. Conjunct is crafted and uses materials and items from both Battlegrounds and Nexus. You need a full set of Fraywind gear AND a full set of Agnitor gear, plus other tokens from Nexus and PvP credits. It will take a long time of grinding both BGs and Nexus to amass the points needed for a full set of Conjunct, but basically full Conjunct is what most players will consider the best obtainable option for a PvP set.

Tier 14 Visionmaker set – As mentioned above, Visionmaker from MC Harmdmode is technically the best PvE -and- PvP set available, so is better than Conjunct, but it comes from the hardest PvE content and is incredibly hard to get. If you’re a purely PvP-focused player, full Conjunct should be your dream end goal for now.

And finally …. 3v3 Arena set – Coming in the next content patch, it seems the 3v3 arena will allow players to buy a new set of Tier 14 masterworked PvP gear. From what I know, it will actually be -better- than the Conjunct set, but details as to how it will be implemented on the non-korean teras arent available yet.



For now, as a fresh 60 wanting to get some PvP – buy some T13 pve gear off the broker, run Argon Corpus a few times to get some lucky Victors gear drops, and do some basic battlegrounds until you have enough points/luck for full Victors. Then grind nothing but Battlegrounds and Nexuses and get yourself a full Fraywind set, enchant it to +9, whilst saving nexus points for the materials needed to eventually convert it into Conjunct.

For a fresh 60 wanting to get some PvE – skip Tier 12, buy a full set of T13 off the broker, or as much as you can afford and get the rest from running the dungeons. I’d still recommend trying out all of the dungeons though, even the early normal ones that only drop Tier 12 so you can get experience in the easier versions of the boss encounters before moving to the harder stuff. Always do Nexuses when they pop, and work towards being geared and experienced enough to get the AC Hardmode and MC Normal dungeons down, gradually swapping out your T13s into Tier 14 Abyss/Agnitor/Queens Wrath set.

If you get enough cash and feel the need, buy either a Regent’s Weapon or Chestpiece (glove/boots arent noticeably better than the other T14 stuff). Gradually aim for a full set of Regents Gear if you really want to be the best, but most semi-casual players who enjoy the PvE content outside of Manaya’s Core Hardmode will be happy in a full set of ANY masterworked Tier 14, be it Regent, Abyss or Agnitor. If you want to be a more hardcore PvE player, get yourself full T14 and find yourself a static group to farm Manaya’s Core hardmode, to aim for Regents into eventually Visionmaker gear.


