Assassin Creed 4 : Black Flag (Coming Soon)


Ubisoft is coming up with another big production in October 2013, the Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. The sixth major installment of this action-adventure series of Assassin’s Creed series, this series is a sequel to 2012’s Assassin Creed 3 modern story and a prequel to its ancestral storyline. Players will be able to play this game in multiple platforms which are the Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Xbox360.

60% of the game will take place on land as players can explore 50 locations ranging from fisherman villages, plantations, jungles, forts, islands, Mayan ruins and exotic Coconut Island. Others activities that can be done by players also include harpooning and exploring underwater environments. The special part about this series is the blending between land and aquatic experiences seamlessly up to the point where players can simply dive off the ship and swim to the shore and explore the land, as well as dive under the surface to loot underwater ship wrecks. The main character of the game will be Edward Kenway, father of Haytham Kenway, and grandfather of Connor.


Edward is a British pirate and member of the Assassin Order. As is the case in previous games in the Assassin’s Creed series, the story is divided into two intertwined halves, with one in the present day, one in a historical setting, and the events of each influencing the other. Although the present-day story had previously established that an Animus was required to view the ancestors memories, the ending of the Assassin’s Creed 3 implies that Desmond’s genetic have been uploaded on to ‘the cloud’. As such, the player character is hired by Abstergo Entertainment to investigate a pivotal movement in Desmond’s ancestry. A notorious pirate and privateer operating during the Golden Age of Piracy, Edward Kenway, has his story set in Caribbean mixes open-ended ship-based exploration with combat and land-based adventure on a number of Carribbean islands.


Black Flag’s combat has been upgraded to include free aiming. While previous installments relied on the game’s built-in auto aim, in Assassin’s Creed 4L Black Flag, players will be able to just aim and fire, similar to third-person shooters. Dual-wielding weapons has also been implemented, with Edward being able to carry four flintlock pistols and be able to use them altogether, chaining up to four gunshots into a combo of attacks to take down more enemies. Aside from the pistols and his Hidden Blades, Edward can equip dual cutlass swords and chain their attacks together. Other weapons choices include blowpipe with multiple effected projectiles and rope darts. Accompanying this, the stealth system has been stated to return to be encouraged in the game. Full-on underwater system has also been developed for Black Flag, including animals such as sharks and whales. Naval combat is also included in this game, with 40% of story taking place on water. After checking out a ship with Edward’s spyglass from Jackdaw’s cow nest and evaluating the information and statistics, players can launch attack using various scenarios. One can simply shoot the opposing captain, board the ship by leaping from mast-to-mast and perform an air assassination or change into the fray to cut down foes using Edward’s swords. This is something new with the gameplay which may interest a lot of you. Naval combat involves trajectory-based aiming system that requires knowledge of distance and speed of enemy.

The Black Flag is going to hit the market hard and bring a new sensation to gamers with their upgrade and story line. ( MAYBE?)






Gears of Wars Judgement Introduction



The fourth entry of Gears of War series, the Gears of War Judgment has finally surfaced on Xbox 360 on 19th of March 2013. This third-person shooter that’s developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly, has come up with both single player and multi-player mode.

The single-player campaign takes place through series of flashbacks from the previous version as each members are narrated to different stages in the courtroom testimony. If you are able to complete the main Judgment campaign with 40 stars, the “Aftermath” campaign will be unlocked. The “Aftermath” is a side-tale of Gears of War 3 story that follow the characters Baird and Cole and styled closer to classic Gears of War stages. This “Aftermath” campaign became lengthier stages and more wide-open areas. The Aftermaths campaign is what gamers was hoping to see from the new Gears of War title. As you are proceeding with stages, there is a smart spawn system that will change the flow of the game dramatically at times. If you are doing well through the games, the system will make life more difficult for you as it will spawn enemies in different locations to push player harder. If you are still not too good at the game, the system will ease up for you depending on the difficulties that you have chosen.


The multi-player has two new modes which is the OverRun mode and Free-for-All mode. OverRun mode is a 5 vs 5 Multiplayer version of Co-Op survival mode similar to Beast Mode from Gears of War 3. One team plays as Locust Horde and the opposition would be COG Soldiers. Both team will need to fight the hearts out to destroy 2 Emergence Holes and a Generator. If both teams win a round, the team that destroyed all 3 objectives the fastest will be the winner. The Mercy Rule of OverRun is if the second attacking team beats the first attacking team’s score, the game ends. Free-for-All mode is a basic Death match multi-player mode. The first player to reach 25 kills will be the winner.  Eight maps can be chosen by the players. Several features have been changed from its predecessor, including ability to plant grenades on the walls, damage boosts from active reloads and many more.


Game play wise has many changes as well. One of the changes that are noticeably different from its predecessor is wall bouncing. It gets really simple in this game compared to the previous version as it helps a lot when you are playing multi-player or single player as it made you avoid a lot of attack. Another addition feature is switching weapons when you are sprinting. Previously none of the version allows switching weapons while moving and this feature definitely ease up those fast hand gamer as they can react and change their weapon according to situations needed. The aiming are also slide different from the previous game as you may find changing direc


tions of radical may be a little heavy due to the weights of the weapon. Unlike the previous version, this game also starts off with one primary and one pistol. Never two primary weapon in this version of Gears of War.

Gears of War Judgment is definitely a must try to all the Xbox 360 users. You may find it a little complicated in the beginning, but it gets very addictive when you are familiarized with the game.




Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain Trailer

This Trailer is set after the events of the NES METAL GEAR series.The man with the prothstetic arm is BIg Boss after some tragic actions during the NES games.If you watched the MGS Ground Zeros trailer there is a man with a BURNT face revealed .this may be the guy with bandages around his head guiding “BIG BOSS” to safety.If you didn’t know BIG BOSS would have hallucinations which may explain the giant whale.there is also use of the “crawling system” from the FOX ENGINE