GTA V Money Making Tips

GTA V Making money tips


After ending all 69 missions, you will have the absolute time to free roam around LOS SANTOS and completing the side missions and hobbies.

Money should not be a problem for you unless you want to buy the 150,000,000 worth of golf club~




Alright the guide is quite simple and straight forward – Invest in stock market

Find out the rival company lets say – Fly US and Air EMU

Invest heavily in Fly Us then go to the airport and blow up all the opposite companies airplane and before that make sure u can escape from the wanted level.


Another way from

  • In the ocean near the north side of the map, you can check underwater to find a crashed airplane. When the airplane crashed, a briefcase full of money (around $12,000) also found its way to the sea bed. You can swim to find the wreckage and the briefcase. After you collect that briefcase, you can then immediately switch to another character and then switch back to the one who was located near the briefcase. When you do, the briefcase will have reappeared. The character who is underwater will collect the case again and his supply of air will return. You can repeatedly use this trick to quickly amass a small fortune.

    Contributed By: 54967316


    Mission Related way Condensed Version:

    STEP 1 – BEFORE the second assassination mission invest in [DEB] Debonaire (LCN). Sell at 80% return.

    STEP 2 – Invest in [RWC] Redwood (LCN). Advance in game clock 2 days. Sell at 300% return.

    STEP 3 – BEFORE the third assassination mission invest in [FRT] Fruit (BAWSAQ). Sell at 50% return.

    STEP 4 – AFTER the fourth assassination mission invest in [VAP] Vapid (BAWSAQ). Advance in game clock 2 days. Sell at 100% return.

    STEP 5 – BEFORE the fifth assassination mission invest in [GCD] GoldCoast (LCN). Sell at 80% return.

    As you can see, depending on your take from the last heist you can make upwards of anywhere from 1-1.5 billion dollars. If anyone finds any errors or has any input regarding this method or the stock market in general feel free to leave a comment. 

    Thank you Romez5 for this guide, much appreciated.

Grand Theft Auto 5 – The coming back of Oniplayer

Dear all readers,

I was too caught up with work and unable to update this blog. I’ve decided to redesign this blog appearance around October or November so stay tune for more posts and updates.

Thank you all for supporting this blogs and to all the of you gamer out there keep playing and sharing!!!!


Okay GTA V !!!

I’m lucky enough to get mine on the first day itself due to a long period of waiting and pre-ordering the game.

GTA V PS3 collectors Edition
GTA V PS3 collectors Edition



Well my friend is a humble owner of a game shop, I was busy playing Monster Hunter 3U until 17th of September 2013.




Alright back to the game, I reached 57% of completion today so I’ve not finished the game main story yet, (Due to playing tennis, darts, sky diving, visiting Str!p Club and swimming around in game  = )

My GTA journey started since GTA 2 when I was 8 Years old and HELL YEAH I PLAYED GTA Since 8yo!!!!

To be honest I personally think that GTA V is a great game with its story line and that’s the attractive point to me besides the better environment and planning a heist ~ The npc is way more accurate with their guns and they are smarter compared to those idiot npc that just stand there most of the time. Best part of it, those NPC that are shooting at you can kill you even when you have full body armor, now that’s real !!!

Upside !!!!

1) The map is big :p

2) Heist planning ~ Awesome!!! u can choose your approach

3) Storyline keeps me away from Bed time – U just wanna go deeper and deeper into the story

4) Environment looks great

5) I kinda like the driving system and I do spent huge hours in riding bike~

6) Character Stats the improvement requires u to do certain activities.

7) The clothing customization u have a huge pool of choices to fill up your fashion gauge.

Of course there are down part of it~  ( The list below are just personal opinions)

Well for me I felt that the game is kinda incomplete compared to GTA : SA where you can go around shops, eat, gym and the more buildings for you to explore internally.

I think Rockstar is going to open up the game by adding DLCs until the game its fully complete.

The things I dislike :p


2) There’s only one strip club!!!

3) You can’t plan Heist over and over again during your free Roam……

4) Golf Club Cost 150,000,000  !!! I have no idea how to get the money

5) There’s a Gym where I can’t use any equipments~

6) Hot Dog store which don’t sell hot dogs

7) Too little street race map


Well don’t mind me as I’m only near 60% of game completion.


Okay just a few things to share : )

1) I went to CJ house in groove street and Killed a bunch of his homies~

2) I saved one of Nico’s liberty Bank heist crew

3) I saw an Alien inside a frozen lake

Well i think that’s sufficient for now~


Since most of you guys watched the Trailer already ~

This the online gameplay trailer


Lastly !!!!

CONGRATS GTA 5 TO SCORE 800 Million Dollars in just ONE NIGHT!!!!!!

Keep the DLC Coming please!!!

Final Fantasy 15 Trailer from E3 Sony Conference

original (1)
For the die hard fans of Final Fantasy here I present to you Final Fantasy 15 Trailer with Gameplay footage.

This video is shared from IGN youtube channel.

*This video is for Sony Playstation 4 and they have yet confirm for the game to be on other console.




Grand Theft Auto 5 ( GTA V)


Grand Theft Auto 5 is unarguably the most anticipated game of the year. With front-page exclusives, multi-storey murals and millions of web clicks for the slenderest of cut-scene-encrusted trailers, Rockstar Games is going to set new sandbox for Xbox 360 and PS3 to the hottest of gaming properties. Commonly shortened to GTA V, it is an open world action-adventure video game. This is the first major title in the GTA series since GTA IV in year 2008. This continues the fictional universe that was introduced in that game. The 15th game in the series overall, Rockstar claims that this is destined to be their biggest open world game to date. The game concentrates more on “the pursuit of the almighty dollar”. In a break with recent tradition, GTA V will feature three playable protagonists. GTA V is due for release on 17 Spetember 2013.

GTA V has taken its predecessor’s much loved “Three-Leaf Clover “mission not just for its action set-pieces but much of its narrative. There are even self-contained hunting and base jumping mini-games such as Blazing Tattoos and ink fans. Yet the story is pushed forward by these bringing together of the three protagonists.  Michael, Trevor and Franklin are criminals whose stories interconnect as they complete missions together. During story missions, the player can switch between the protagonists as they work together to accomplish an objective. For example, Michael rappels down the side of a building, Franklin provides covering fire with a sniper rifle, and Trevor controls the getaway helicopter.  GTA V also feature more vehicles than in any GTA to date, including huge variety of cars, trucks, bikes, helicopters, planes, ATVs and jet Skis. The cars will feel less “boatlike” than GTA IV, they are meant to “hold on ground better” and driving mechanic will feel more “racing type”.

The combat that involves in GTA V is also one of the concerns of players. Weapons choice varies from dust trucks, boiler suits and set of horror-film masks.  The use of character-switch button becomes apparent immediate, the player skipping between their perspectives smoothly to first fend off and eventually corner character turns into AI support act when not controlled, hiding and firing in cover in self-preservation. Noticeable firefights refinements show a wider field of vision when lining up a mark over your shoulder, a handy Max Pay 3- esque combat roll for evading an onslaught, and an even handier little “X” appearing over the reticule to signify a dead enemy. Any clarification we can get in the heat of balttle is gratefully received. Just when you think the police may be taking control, the player switches to Michael, now miles away with a very good quality sniper scope in his possession, and takes out the remaining coppers. For a finishing touch, the old-reliable rocket launcher comes out to destroy the chopper overhead. It is a classic GTA moment re-imagined, and it is exhaustingly good entertainment, even as a viewer.

A lot of criticisms and comments taken are from the GTA IV and put into GTA V to satisfy the gamers. Hence, we hope that this long wait will be all worthy when the GTA V surfaces.


The characters Trailer

The Official Trailer

Assassin Creed 4 : Black Flag (Coming Soon)


Ubisoft is coming up with another big production in October 2013, the Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. The sixth major installment of this action-adventure series of Assassin’s Creed series, this series is a sequel to 2012’s Assassin Creed 3 modern story and a prequel to its ancestral storyline. Players will be able to play this game in multiple platforms which are the Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Xbox360.

60% of the game will take place on land as players can explore 50 locations ranging from fisherman villages, plantations, jungles, forts, islands, Mayan ruins and exotic Coconut Island. Others activities that can be done by players also include harpooning and exploring underwater environments. The special part about this series is the blending between land and aquatic experiences seamlessly up to the point where players can simply dive off the ship and swim to the shore and explore the land, as well as dive under the surface to loot underwater ship wrecks. The main character of the game will be Edward Kenway, father of Haytham Kenway, and grandfather of Connor.


Edward is a British pirate and member of the Assassin Order. As is the case in previous games in the Assassin’s Creed series, the story is divided into two intertwined halves, with one in the present day, one in a historical setting, and the events of each influencing the other. Although the present-day story had previously established that an Animus was required to view the ancestors memories, the ending of the Assassin’s Creed 3 implies that Desmond’s genetic have been uploaded on to ‘the cloud’. As such, the player character is hired by Abstergo Entertainment to investigate a pivotal movement in Desmond’s ancestry. A notorious pirate and privateer operating during the Golden Age of Piracy, Edward Kenway, has his story set in Caribbean mixes open-ended ship-based exploration with combat and land-based adventure on a number of Carribbean islands.


Black Flag’s combat has been upgraded to include free aiming. While previous installments relied on the game’s built-in auto aim, in Assassin’s Creed 4L Black Flag, players will be able to just aim and fire, similar to third-person shooters. Dual-wielding weapons has also been implemented, with Edward being able to carry four flintlock pistols and be able to use them altogether, chaining up to four gunshots into a combo of attacks to take down more enemies. Aside from the pistols and his Hidden Blades, Edward can equip dual cutlass swords and chain their attacks together. Other weapons choices include blowpipe with multiple effected projectiles and rope darts. Accompanying this, the stealth system has been stated to return to be encouraged in the game. Full-on underwater system has also been developed for Black Flag, including animals such as sharks and whales. Naval combat is also included in this game, with 40% of story taking place on water. After checking out a ship with Edward’s spyglass from Jackdaw’s cow nest and evaluating the information and statistics, players can launch attack using various scenarios. One can simply shoot the opposing captain, board the ship by leaping from mast-to-mast and perform an air assassination or change into the fray to cut down foes using Edward’s swords. This is something new with the gameplay which may interest a lot of you. Naval combat involves trajectory-based aiming system that requires knowledge of distance and speed of enemy.

The Black Flag is going to hit the market hard and bring a new sensation to gamers with their upgrade and story line. ( MAYBE?)






Bioshock Infinite


Bioshock Infinite published by 2K Games was released on platform for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 26 of March 2013. This is the third installment in the famous first-person shooter video game BioShock series. The storyline of this current version is entirely different from the predecessor, the gameplay concepts and themes still smells the same.

This is a game that definitely held a lot of attention, with a lot of high expectation from the gamers, this game is still able to open your eyes with some gameplay which you haven’t seen it before. The setting of BioShock Infinite is “Columbia” which is a city suspended in the air through a combination of “quantum levitation”, balloons and blimps. Launch by the American government in the year 1901, this city symbolize the ideas of exceptionalism.  Civil war eventually broke out on Columbia between different factions of citizen due to greed and control of the city. Hence, Booker DeWitt came in as a disgraced former agent of National Detective Agency who had performed many brutal acts. Booker is skeptical of faith, unwilling to accept the idea that he can be absolved of his sins by embracing religion, as he considers his sins to be extreme as to demand a penance rather than forgiveness. That leads him to be emotionally scarred and lead him towards excessive drinking. Another important character is Elizabeth, young woman who has been held captive in Columbia most of her life. A skillful pick-locker, intelligent and wears thimble in place of the tip of little finger, which she can’t remember how it was cut off.


The gameplay is quite similar to its predecessor as player needs to move around Columbia both on foot and by using grappling hook on the series of railways connecting the buildings, Skyline. Gaining weapons in numerous ways including on Skyline. There is a limitation where only two weapons can be carry at once. Power and abilities can be gained by using vigors, plasmids and tonics, and wearing gear which is all scattered around Columbia. Consuming vigors allow you to activate powers such as telekinesis, electricity manipulation and animal control. Vigors also have upgrade paths that can be purchased from the vending machines, and alternate-fire capabilities.


In addition to the normal mode, a mode called “1999 Mode” is also available in BioShock Infinite. This 1999 Mode is more challenging version of the game, and the reason it is called 1999 mode is because it is named for the release year of System Shock 2. This mode requires player to make mutually exclusive specialization choices such as Booker’s proficiency with certain weapon type, which may make later parts of the game difficult to complete as the specialization has caused some other impaired.


Overall, although this game does not have much freedom in story line wise, the setting of the game, the narration, the flow of the story, made this game extremely addictive. For the old BioShock gamer, welcome back after the long wait. For those who would like to try out this BioShock Infinite, watch out before it blows your mind off!




Tera Online Classes short review


TERA is a new breed of Mass Multiplayer Online(MMO) that takes the fight beyond whack-a-mole monotony with modified aiming, dodging, and tactical timing to create intense and rewarding combat. It has several choices of control, let it be mouse, keyboard or PC-compatible console controller. It is also a faction-free world where all players can impact the community as well as the social, political and economic structures of TERA.


Picking a class in TERA as each class is unique and plays differently from any other class. All races can play any classes. The Lancer is considered as tanker in TERA due to its heavy armor and used lance and shield as their main weapon, They have the highest defense stat in the game. The downside of the Lancer is slow in combat, relies on charges to move more quickly while engaged in battle. A Lancer’s job is keep agro on monsters and actively blocking their attacks. It is considered as the easier tank compared to the other tank.


Warrior is another tanker in the game that plays its part in the game. They are the fastest in the movement speed compared to the other classes, it also has highest HP pool. The downside is they have fragile armor. They are evasion tank that actively utilize their flip, attacks with invincibility frames, and shout to avoid and interrupt bosses as they hold agro with cries and moderate damage output. Warriors are one of the most difficult classes in TERA as they need a lot of fleeing and voiding causing the player to have high movement in order to play this class well. They are able to run circles around enemies and avoiding all attacks. 

Priest is a healing class with buffing abilities that falls under supports. They are the healers and focused on buffing allies and keep everyone at full health. They also have the ability to resurrect should things didn’t turn up well. No downtime when soloing makes them one of the easiest solo classes in game. They are the main character during boss fights or some other group activities, they can be quite difficult as they need to maintain health of a team of people.

Another support class would be The Mystic, which is hybrid class that performs things like buff, off-heal, resurrect, crowd control and can off tank by using their pets. The downside of Mystic is they have low HP pool and low defenses. They also have lowest damage output in the game. It is a very difficult character to play and be good at it. Their main job is to keep the group fighting shape by topping off HP and MP, buffing, and smoothing out fights by dispelling monsters buffs and crowd control. This is the most difficult class in game.

The Slayer is a damage class. They are the melee DPS class in TERA. The Slayer is deft in combat, and can move quickly through enemy formations by stringing together combo attacks and utilizing their roll. Their medium armor made them frail while engaged in combat. AoE damage is their main weapon, far reaching whirling arc attacks emphasizes that focus. They are not good in solo because lack of self-healing ability and low defenses.

Berserker is another melee DPS hero that involves pseudo crowd control. With many slow, heavy hitting attacks equipped, they can wreak havoc on large numbers of enemies and single monsters alike. The Berserker shares the distinction of being the slowest moving class in the game. They mainly focused on knocking enemies over and causing heavy damage to large number of monsters. Slow movement speed is the downside of Berserker.


The Archer is a single-target DPS class with limited crowd control abilities. They have very high damage output in a short periods of time. Medium armor with second highest defense stat in game made them a good choice. Archers mainly focus on doing high amounts of damage very quickly to monsters. Overall, they are easy to play in game both solo and group setting. They are able to keep their distance and put big damage on monsters with very little chance if harm coming to their low HP pool.

The Sorcerer is a glass cannon DPS class. High damage output spread out evenly among their skills makes them most consistent DPS class in game. The downside is they have the lowest defense rate. They have the ability to keep their distance and dealt damage from far therefore it is still not too difficult to play if you are not too aggressive. 


Tera Online Classes Explanations, Trailer and more explanations (taken from youtube)




Scarlet Blade Classes


There are a total number of 6 playable all female classes in Scarlet Blade. Each of the character has their own role to play when it comes to the PVP situation. Teamwork do matters as how you set up the team with different classes of members combining together to slaughter the other side of the team.Queens-Blade-Online-NPCs

The Defender from the name itself you get to know that this a tough character. Similar to the warrior class, they are relatively good on close range combat. Big swords swaying around is what you are about to expect from this character. This character is will also get into rage when an ally becomes injured and they will start cleaving their way through dozen of enemies until they reach their fallen comrade and protect them till the Medic arrives. This is a true survivor intent character when it comes to protecting allies. The large sword held by Defender could practically double as a shield.

The Whipper is a not too common class as this whip-thingy seems to be out dated since the early 1970s. As usual using whip as her weapon, this character are specialist in AOE(area of effect). In other words, they are able to dealt damage with their weapon in a big area rather than one or two enemies. In combat she is rather agile and has good reflexes in order to strike all available targets with one attack. As this is one of the most effect crowd damage character, they will be quite demanding when it comes to boss fight or PVP because of the slaying power that they own.tumblr_mh8wf3Xzx71rqcxd7o1_500

The Medic which is one of the very important class where this is the only class with healing and reviving skill. The can cast best buffs in the game that makes them really important in the battlegrounds. This is a character that you cannot miss if you are going for raiding or PVP as you will have injured teammates and you will need them to support in order not to lose on the battle. She not only doles out blessings, when you need them they can be threatening as she can deal out a healthy serving of hurt as well. Poison is her main damage dealing skill and it will render the enemy unconscious and even disable their equipment.class05

The Shadow Walker is a stealth unit who dealt high melee damage. Having ability to cloak themselves from the enemy, they are very famous for back stabbing and will cause you decent amount of damage. An important character to kill out the opponent’s team pillar such as their Medic. One strike and that will be road to victory.

The Sentinel which seems they do not post any threat to their enemy is rather useful as they are able to cast long range elemental damage without getting into the battle field. Therefore the medic will not have to take care of them as they are far away from the battle field. This class can be a huge debuffer and can be very useful in battlegrounds and PVP.

The Punisher which is a range destroyer specializes on guns. With significant amount of accuracy, the punisher can deal quite a fair damage despite the range that they are having. A good class to play if you are good in aiming. 







Scarlet Blade Online Introduction

Scarlet Blade Online Introduction


Scarlet Blade offered by Aeria Games has been infecting the world of Multiplayer Online game lately. It is a mature MMORPG that involved Sci-Fi Theme. This game takes place on the future version of Earth after humanity became extinct and annihilated by alien invader called Nurak. Mankind in the game are the last hope to regain their home through violently fighting against the devilish creatures from other planet.











The gameplay is combat action based, with different combos and skills that make it fluid and dynamic. It is not something that required you to read the manual. Moving your character around using the so called ”gamer’s direction” which is the WASD and the mouse to control the direction. It is also an intense PVP and battlegrounds, the fun is limitless on its Massive PVP. You will get to kill the opposite faction for fun and gain experience at the same time, either your kill or kill steal. The experience calculation is based on the damage dealt.


If you are a good kill-stealer, it will not be an advantage as you only get the portion of your damage dealt. It is teamwork that matters on the warzone, instead of damage counts on enemies, it also depends on how you heal on your fellow faction mates. This game focuses on huge and intense PVP that urges the players to go for faction killing as you will gain a lot of benefits from it.


There are also several sideline of the game such as pet system, puzzles, instance, enchantment and many more. Although it is not new, the club really takes the cake. It is a feature that you are able to enter an awesome room with techno music, whine your head and let your hair down after one hell of a killings. If you go to the dance floor, your character will dance automatically and plus your pet gain experience while your character is partying which means you are away from your keyboard.

A good feature to keep gamers logged in. The customization is very limited which is the downside as you will not be able to create male character to your liking. Even the size and height of the characters are preset, all of them look almost alike except you can change the face and also hairstyle.

The newest feature which is outfit customization which is also kind of boring as you can get that in almost every MMORPG. The weapon design is really outstanding as you can see classy blades, whips and many more. One thing I like about the game is almost every equipment you wear ends up almost naked. It is simply an excuse for playing MMORPG with combination of soft-core which aims to take the market of the mature audiences.


Overall, I think this will be quite a good game as its main feature is PVP and it will not be too boring to play like traditional RPG where you need to gain experience and level and bla bla bla. Another addictive add in as you will have good enjoyment of playing this game just by looking at the hotness and perfect curve of your character.


Below information are taken from

Scarlet Blade features many different mini-games and extra content that we weren’t able to see anything during our short time with the game. There were some things that I was able to experience and can tell you about here.

Lounge / Nightclub
One of the more interesting parts of the game, and one that may cause a bit of a stir for some is the lounge/nightclub area. The purpose of this nightclub zone is to hang out and relax while showing off your Arkana’s lingerie. The club can be accessed once you are level 25 and costs a certain amount of in-game gold. The club features NPCs where you can buy any of the items and gear that you need as well as a dance floor where your character will perform a special dance while hanging out with other players without the fear of monsters taking you down. Players in the lounge will get extra EXP bonuses for their pets as well as show off their avatar’s lingerie while listening to an ever-changing selection of music. There is also a special VIP club that costs additional gold and has special added bonuses not found in the nightclub.

Puzzle Game
The puzzle system is a not so much of a mini-game but something worth mentioning here. When you gain levels through the game you are able to go to the puzzle section where there are about 15 or so different puzzles to unlock. Pieces are unlocked either via leveling up or paying some of your in-game gold for more pieces. The puzzles have 24 different pieces that when unlocked will reveal an often-times risque image that you can either use for your own viewing pleasure in-game or exporting it to your computer and using it as a background. A bit of a warning, or incentive, the puzzles do contain nudity.

Card Game
The cards mini-game is played by finding random cards throughout the world as loot or by trading with other players and matching them up using standards poker style hands. Once you’ve matched up a certain poker hand you can turn it in for prizes which may include rare items and/or consumables for use in-game or during PvP.



Game Videos

Gameplay Video


PVP Trailer

Gameplay Trailer

Gears of Wars Judgement Introduction



The fourth entry of Gears of War series, the Gears of War Judgment has finally surfaced on Xbox 360 on 19th of March 2013. This third-person shooter that’s developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly, has come up with both single player and multi-player mode.

The single-player campaign takes place through series of flashbacks from the previous version as each members are narrated to different stages in the courtroom testimony. If you are able to complete the main Judgment campaign with 40 stars, the “Aftermath” campaign will be unlocked. The “Aftermath” is a side-tale of Gears of War 3 story that follow the characters Baird and Cole and styled closer to classic Gears of War stages. This “Aftermath” campaign became lengthier stages and more wide-open areas. The Aftermaths campaign is what gamers was hoping to see from the new Gears of War title. As you are proceeding with stages, there is a smart spawn system that will change the flow of the game dramatically at times. If you are doing well through the games, the system will make life more difficult for you as it will spawn enemies in different locations to push player harder. If you are still not too good at the game, the system will ease up for you depending on the difficulties that you have chosen.


The multi-player has two new modes which is the OverRun mode and Free-for-All mode. OverRun mode is a 5 vs 5 Multiplayer version of Co-Op survival mode similar to Beast Mode from Gears of War 3. One team plays as Locust Horde and the opposition would be COG Soldiers. Both team will need to fight the hearts out to destroy 2 Emergence Holes and a Generator. If both teams win a round, the team that destroyed all 3 objectives the fastest will be the winner. The Mercy Rule of OverRun is if the second attacking team beats the first attacking team’s score, the game ends. Free-for-All mode is a basic Death match multi-player mode. The first player to reach 25 kills will be the winner.  Eight maps can be chosen by the players. Several features have been changed from its predecessor, including ability to plant grenades on the walls, damage boosts from active reloads and many more.


Game play wise has many changes as well. One of the changes that are noticeably different from its predecessor is wall bouncing. It gets really simple in this game compared to the previous version as it helps a lot when you are playing multi-player or single player as it made you avoid a lot of attack. Another addition feature is switching weapons when you are sprinting. Previously none of the version allows switching weapons while moving and this feature definitely ease up those fast hand gamer as they can react and change their weapon according to situations needed. The aiming are also slide different from the previous game as you may find changing direc


tions of radical may be a little heavy due to the weights of the weapon. Unlike the previous version, this game also starts off with one primary and one pistol. Never two primary weapon in this version of Gears of War.

Gears of War Judgment is definitely a must try to all the Xbox 360 users. You may find it a little complicated in the beginning, but it gets very addictive when you are familiarized with the game.
